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Building Rules

Renters are responsible for adhering to the Terms of Agreement and sharing the information with the appropriate vendors who are assisting with their event. This a summary of the Terms of Agreement. You, your guests and vendors will be responsible for adhering to the rules of agreement in the rental contract signed at the time of rental.


Alcohol, Security & Crowd Management Information

Security is required if your event serves and/or sells any alcohol. This includes champagne toasts. NO ALCOHOL is allowed to be served and/or consumed on-site without security present. Event guests/attendees are not allowed to bring their own alcohol and all alcohol must be served by a bartender that has provided their training certification to Gateway Conference Center. 

South Carolina’s fire marshal requires crowd managers be present at events exceeding 249 attendees. At least one manager must be on-site for every 250 attendees. Events not serving alcohol but exceeding 249 attendees must have crowd managers on-site. Lessee is required to have at least two officers on site. After that you are required to meet the number of crowd managers required for the number of attendees.


Crowd management and/or security can be provided by off-duty Chester County Sheriff’s deputies. Complete a security request form online at at least one month prior to your event to confirm the date and time security is required and the hourly rate. Security and/or crowd management services provided by the Chester County Sheriff’s Office is separate from the Gateway Conference Center. 

Crowd management and/or security can also be provided by private security companies. Private security companies must provide proof that each officer working the event has been trained in crowd management via the National Association of State Fire Marshals (, current certificate of liability insurance, and current SLED certification for each officer who will be working the event. 

General Terms of Agreement


Tours, Walkthroughs, Payments

  • Appointments must be made before stopping by the facility. Rooms are often occupied and we are unable to allow you access. 

  • All appointments are scheduled to last one hour. Please plan accordingly with everyone attending. Tours will not start until everyone arrives, but will conclude one hour after the appointment time.


Room Access Terms

  • Events with 50 to 150 should be scheduled at least 14 days prior to the event. Events with more than 150 attendees should be scheduled at least 30 days prior to the event.

  • Rental time is 8am - midnight day of rental. Events must end at midnight.

  • Setup access may be allowed starting no earlier than 3pm day before if available.

  • Other events may occur in the building during your event. The only way to have guaranteed, exclusive access to the building on the day of your event is to rent the entire building.

  • Lessee only uses rented rooms, not common areas like lobbies unless whole facility rented.

  • Rehearsals not allowed in unrented rooms or common areas.

  • Lessee responsible for shutting and locking all doors when leaving.


Damage & Cleaning Terms

  • $500 deposit per room refunded only if no damages, rules broken, and premises cleaned properly.

  • Carpet/furniture stains result in minimum $250 deposit deduction.

  • All trash must be removed and taken to outdoor receptacles. Kitchens swept and mopped.

  • No pets allowed. Service animals only.

  • Cleanup is to be done immediately following your event. Room and/or building access is not allowed the next day. 


Food & Alcohol Terms

  • No outside alcohol allowed without licensed bartender and required security present.

  • $200 corking fee if serving red wine.

  • All food vendors must provide current Certificate of Liability insurance and W-9/business license.

  • No cooking on-site except by food trucks. NO EXCEPTIONS.


Decorating & Delivery Terms

  • Deliveries allowed starting at 3pm day before if available. Lessee responsible for deliveries.

  • No damaging walls, floors, furniture with adhesives, staples, etc.

  • Candles must be enclosed, no sparklers or smoke/fog machines.

  • Pipe and drape must be freestanding, not affixed to facility.

  • No fireworks or sparklers are allowed. Fog machines using dry ice are the only fog machines allowed.

If your event is selling anything (tickets, vendors at the event, food or beverages and/or alcohol, you need to speak to the Department of Revenue at

A summary of decorating and planning terms can be found on the decorator's checklist. Decorators should be provided with this checklist.

A summary of bartending and catering terms can be found on the caterer's checklist. Caterers and bartenders should be provided with this checklist.

Lessee's should use the lessee checklist to stay organized and meet deadlines.

Refund & Cancellation Policy

Completed Gateway Conference Center form must be received before payment can be accepted. Payment can be made with check, money order, debit card or credit card. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express. Checks and money orders must be written to Chester County. Credit card payments can be made over the phone at 803.789.0014. 

Payment for technology and add-ons must be received at least two weeks prior to event or requests will be denied. Deposits and rental fees must be paid in full 90 days before the event. Events can be cancelled without notice if full payment is not received 90 days before the event. Room changes, additions, cancellations, and rescheduling must be made at least 90 days prior to the lessee’s event to avoid penalties. Penalties are below.


Room Changes / Cancellation / Rescheduling Refund Policy

90+ days prior to event

Full security deposit and paid room rental fees will be refunded

89 – 60 days before event

½ of security deposit and paid room rental and technology fees will be refunded

59 – 45 days before event

½ of paid room rental fees will be refunded

44 – 0 days prior to event

No refund


FORCE MAJEURE: Neither party shall be deemed to be in default of its obligations for termination if and so long as it is prevented from performing its obligations by an act of war, hostile foreign actions, nuclear explosion, earthquake, hurricane, tornado or other adverse weather conditions not reasonably anticipated, fire, unavoidable accidents or circumstances, pandemics, measures taken by any governmental authority in response to a pandemic, epidemics, other Act of God whether it be a natural or national disaster. Refunds will be considered under this provision and may be authorized following confirmation of the impossibility of performance or frustration of purpose.



Full security deposit will only be refunded if the terms of agreement are met. Meeting the terms of agreement will ensure that lessee receives a full refund after the event. It is recommended that lessee assigns a responsible party to check behind caterer, decorator, and cleaning crew.

Gateway Conference Center requires at least two days to assess rooms after events to determine if full deposits will be returned. Events occurring around holidays may take up to seven business days to assess.

Deposits paid by check or money order will receive their refunds by check, usually within 14 business days of cancellation/event’s end. Events occurring around a holiday may have a delayed refund. Lessees are responsible for informing Gateway Conference Center of any address changes for the refund or address on the rental form will be used.

Deposits paid by credit card will be credited back to the card used for the deposit within the first ten business days after the event. Lessee is responsible for calling or stopping by the Gateway Conference Center with their credit card information. If credit card has been replaced or cancelled since making the deposit, Gateway Conference Center reserves the right to refund the deposit via check.

Credit card refunds may take up to ten business days to show up on the lessee’s credit card. Please contact your bank if it has not shown up by that time.

If Gateway Conference Center is unable to reach you within 30 days of your event’s end date, your refund check will be mailed to the address used to rent the facility.

© 2023 by The Gateway Conference Center. Proudly created with

Tel 803-789-0014   Fax  855-946-0430

3200 Commerce Dr. Suite C, Richburg, SC 29729

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